Dunoon Burgh Hall


Dunoon Burgh Hall, refurbished in 2017, is open to all as a creative, cultural hub for Cowal.

The historic B listed Dunoon Burgh Hall is now a fully accessible venue for exhibitions, performances and gatherings. Alongside a gallery and theatre, the venue offers creative workshop space, a garden and a cafe.

​The restoration of Dunoon Burgh Hall is an inspiring story of a small Scottish community coming together to preserve its rich cultural heritage. The building was rescued from demolition by the community, who worked with the John McAslan Family Trust to purchase it from Fyne Homes housing association in 2008 for a token of £1.

Find out more Read the Dunoon Burgh Hall Chronicles


Cool Timeline

150 Years of Dunoon Burgh Hall
150 Years of Dunoon Burgh Hall

Dunoon Burgh Hall, now restored as a Community Arts Centre, Shop, and Cafe, celebrated 150 years since its opening today.

Can Dunoon become ‘Capital of Argyllshire’?

The Dunoon Burgh Police Commissioners draw up a memorandum to the Secretary of State for Dunoon “to be the capital of Argyllshire.”

Argyll & Southern Highlanders Dance

Dunoon Burgh Hall hosts the 5th Volunteer Battalion (Princess Louise’s) Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders dance, which took place following a week of training at a volunteer camp at Ardnadam.

A Piano is Donated (with conditions ‘to protect morals’)

Mr W.W. Mackay of Isabella Villa gave the town a new gas lamp at Ferry Brae, and presented two fountains, one beside the bandstand near the pier and The Loving Hand fountain at the front of the Burgh Hall. Mr W.W. Mackay’s contribution didn’t end there. In 1888 he offered…
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Annual Supper for the Poor of the Town

The Annual Supper for the Poor of the Town is held in the Burgh Hall on New Year’s Eve by the Good Templar Legion. The Parish Church Sabbath School Soiree is also held at the Burgh Hall.

Literary Society request prompts laughter

The Literary Society request a reduction of rent for their use of the Commissioners’ Room in the Burgh Buildings. The reduced sum of 4 shillings per night was refused on the basis that ‘it is poor enough if 20 or 30 gentlemen cannot pay two pence or three pence per…
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Concerns about the cost of gas

The cost of gas in the office of Mr Hunter, the Burgh Treasurer, ‘who was inclined to go out of the building leaving the gas burning’ was discussed by the Police Commissioners.

Women’s Jubilee Arrangements Discussed

Ladies of the district meet in the lesser Burgh Hall to consider the arrangements for the Women’s Jubilee offering to Queen Victoria.

Freemasons suggest a rent reduction

The Police Commissioners inquire about meeting in the room occupied by the Freemasons. It is suggested that the Freemasons’ rent be reduced to £10 per annum. The Freemasons themselves suggest £6, on the basis that they had been Burgh Hall tenants for the last twelve years

A School Christmas Concert & New Year Revelry

Dunoon Public School Seniors hold a Christmas concert. ‘The Burgh Hall was densely filled, pupils on a platform extended into the Hall’ and at New Year, at the annual Highland Ball, ‘dancing started at 9 o’clock until the early hours.