DBH Timeline
A Secular Concert is held in the Burgh Hall, organised by Dunoon Musical Association. Admission to all parts of the Hall is one shilling.
The Police Commissioners appoint a full time Surveyor to take charge of the Water Works and to act as a Sanitary Inspector of the Burgh. Salary £20 per annum with offices in the new Burgh Hall.
Sanitation and water supply are discussed by the Commissioners at meetings in the Burgh Hall. The Commissioners appoint Dr Banks as Medical Officer for the Burgh, an office he held for 50 years. Securing a clean water supply for the town, to replace the wells, was a top priority for…
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On 25th June 1874, just 9 months after the foundation stone was installed, Dunoon Burgh Hall opens with a sumptuous dinner held in the main hall for ‘the principal gentlemen connected with the district’. This was chaired by Provost R.L. Smith. Numerous speeches and toasts were made in honour of…
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In September 1873 people gathered from across the west coast of Scotland, to lay the foundation stone of Dunoon Burgh Hall. A jar containing coins ‘of the realm’ and a copy of Colgate’s 1868 Guide to Dunoon, (written and compiled by local insurance and house agent John Colgate), was placed…
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A Public Notice in the Argyllshire Standard notifies Dunoon residents of the Commissioners intention to borrow the sum of £20,000 to finance work that will bring a water supply to the Burgh, erect a Burgh Hall and ‘other necessary buildings connected therewith’ and re-pay existing Burgh loans.

Robert Alexander Bryden, Architect Born 7 July 1841, Died 14 April 1906 Robert Alexander Bryden was born at the corner of Renfield Street and West George Street in Glasgow on 7 July 1841, the son of Robert Bryden of Royal Bank Place, Glasgow and Margaret Ramage of Kirkurd, Peeblesshire, and…
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John MacArthur Moir of Milton and Hillfoot donates land at Gallowhill in Dunoon for the building of a Burgh Hall. In the same year he shoots himself for unknown reasons. McArthur Moir of Milton Vs Mackintosh Nearly 200 years ago the main road towards the Clyde stopped at Moir Street.…
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The Dunoon Burgh Police Commissioners use a variety of locations for their meetings, including the pier waiting room. In 1871 they decide to pursue the idea of building a new hall for the Burgh of Dunoon.

Dunoon was awarded Burgh status in 1868 under The Police and General Improvements (Scotland) Act 1862: ‘An Act to make more effectual Provision for regulating the Police of Towns and populous Places in Scotland, and for lighting, cleansing, paving, draining supplying Water to and improving the same, and also for…
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