Help Save Dunoon Burgh Hall

Our Community Projects

Alongside our programme of exhibitions, theatre, film and music we run learning programmes for our community.

We deliver workshops in dance, theatre, textiles, film and animation, visual arts and literature.

We deliver family workshops; classes to inspire the individual learner; an ambassadors programme for young people; and arts and heritage activities with our local schools.

We do all of this by working with freelance artists, designers and filmmakers and by bringing in partners, such as Screen Argyll, Charts and ARTIST ROOMS.

We supported the setup and development of the YouthSTUFF youth theatre group, which works weekly with over 50 young people aged 8 to 18.

These projects bring people together to alleviate loneliness for our rural community;  bring new skills and experiences; are a source of fun and friendship for children and families, and can be the first steps for young people into a career in the Creative Industries.

  • Drop in Painting Sessions

    22 February 2024

      Come and paint and draw with like-minded people in our weekly drop-in sessions. They’re relaxed and suitable for beginners...

  • Victorian Horticultural Shows

    “Nurserymen, gardeners and amateurs from Dunoon, Blairmore, Rothesay, Carbeth and Greenock” presented their work in these highly competitive displays each...

  • Odyssey

    Artist Jill Bryson and filmmaker Neil Boyle have led the workshops, encouraging young people to express their creativity, celebrate their...

  • Moody Canvas Painting Workshop with Albatross Arts

    30 October 2021

    This one-day painting workshop, inspired by Freda Waldapfel’s snowy landscapes, lets you enjoy the fun of working on a large...

  • History Hunters

    1 June 2018 - 30 June 2018

    Working with a filmmakers, a visual artist and a historian, pupils from Dunoon Primary School and Kirn Primary School researched the rich history of Dunoon.

  • Creative Blethers Friendly Film Club

    Our relaxed, Friendly Film Club screenings take place on the last Tuesday of every month and the film choices are...

  • Creative Blethers Songs & Stories

    Music and singing are known to be relaxing and therapeutic. Our Songs and Stories sessions with selected local musicians offer...

  • Creative Blethers Arts & Crafts

    Arts and Crafts activities have a positive impact on people’s mental health and wellbeing. We run accessible Arts and Crafts...